Mamoní Valley Alliance

All landowners and interested parties in the Valley are welcome to become part of the alliance by signing a conservation pledge and then living by it.

The Mamoní Valley Alliance Pledge is a conservation initiative working and collaborating since 2006 with environmentally responsible organizations, businesses, creative individuals, local communities, and public institutions to restore a highly degraded but globally critical ecosystem.

As of the date of the signature of this pledge, the Mamoní Valley Preserve, plus all allies, cover almost 12,300 acres of the 30,000 acres of upper Mamoní Valley, and the pledgers are responsible for the conservation and monitoring of the forest cover to protect the valley and promote a sustainable living for the existing communities.

The Mamoní Valley Preserve, plus all allies, cover almost 12,300 acres of the 30,000 acres of upper Mamoní Valley.
